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21 September 2017

Help us save the White-winged Flufftail

The Rockjumper staff are dedicating our year end function efforts to raise some cash for the Critically Endangered White-winged Flufftail. We have divvied ourselves into teams to add a competitive edge to the drive and hopefully raise a good amount of money for the Middelpunt Wetland Trust which plays a massive role in habitat awareness and education. Any donations to my crowdfunding setup would be most appreciated, alternatively, please do share this link widely!

Click here to donate to the White-winged Fufftail crowd fund

Established in 1994, the Middelpunt Wetland Trust has done exceptional and groundbreaking work on the critically endangered White-winged Flufftail. The trust’s main objective entails securing and rehabilitating the Middelpunt Wetland between Dullstroom and Belfast in Mpumalanga, South Africa.
The very mysterious White-winged Flufftail’s highly fragmented habitat is severely threatened by continued destruction and it is therefore of utmost importance that their extremely commendable efforts to conserve these specific areas are well supported.
The Middelpunt Wetland Trust is also actively involved in monitoring, conservation and awareness programs in Ethiopia, the only known breeding area for this enigmatic species. The Trust has also decided to proceed with a captive breeding program, and discussions with the National Zoological Gardens in Pretoria are far-advanced. Furthermore, a school has already been built for a community that adjoins one of the breeding sites in Ethiopia.
By enabling a wider circle of birders to be aware of the plight of the White-winged Flufftail and generating a greater sense of publicity of this secretive bird’s existence, the Middelpunt Wetlands Trust is playing a major role in its conservation.