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17 June 2020

Battle of the invasive aliens.

As I have written about before, I’ve despised invasive aliens since I was old enough to know about them. Be it plants, trees, birds or mammals - I have at various stages of my life been on a mission to cut, chop, shoot or poison as much of it as I can. My last venture in the Town Bush Stream, Pietermaritzburg ultimately ended in failure. One person cannot manage the volume of foliage and regrowth with machete and brush cutter alone. Given I was down stream of the horrid Ferncliffe plantation and invasive choked hillside, I knew I wasn't going to accomplish much in the long term.

Hilton may be on the top of the hill, but it is equally chocked with invasives and plantations of Eucalyptus and Pine. The primary invasive in this area is the Bugweed (Solanum mauritianum) of South America. Few properties are free of this noxious weed, even our property has small seedlings pop up on occasion. The weed creates so many tasty berries, that many birds find them absolutely irresistible - resulting in rapid spread. Whilst I keep on top of our garden easily enough, having to look at the infested vacant plot across the road from us has bugged me for quite some time. Meg helpfully suggested I do something about it, so even before lockdown was officially over, Kai and I headed over the road to start chopping and poisoning. It took a few afternoons to wade through the tall grass and a patch of American Bramble (another invasive alien), but eventually we had chopped and poisoned the entire lot. A little maintenance is all that is required to keep one more property under control.

Vacant lot - 18 May 2020

Vacant lot - 11 June 2020